Office Hours:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Teaching Assistant:
Office Hours:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
2. Goals and Objectives:
3. Textbook:
Prices will be posted outside of HA 255
For price, call NCSU bookstore at 919-515-2161
4. Topics and estimated days allocated to each topics:
5. Tentative schedule of reading assignments
See attached papers
6. Tentative schedule of homework due dates, quizzes and tests
See attached papers
7. Determination of grades: + and - system
Final Exam
In addition,the following clarifications are used in this course:
8. Policy on incomplete grades and late assignments:
9. Policy on absences (excused and unexcused) and scheduling makeup work:
The attendance policy is consistent with the Academic Regulations which can be found at http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/project/www/ncsu/provost/info/academic_regulations/attend/reg.htm (link)
In addition, the following clarifications are used in this course:
10. Course Prerequisites / Restrictive Statements:
More information is available at : http://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/reg_records/crs_cat/MA.html (link)
In addition,the following clarifications are used in this course:
11. Academic Integrity Statement:
Students are expected to follow university guidelines available at http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/academic_regulations/integrity/reg.htm (link)
In addition, the following clarifications are used in this course:
12. NC State policy on working with students with disabilities:
Information can be found at http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/stud_affairs/counseling_center/dss/ (link)
In addition, the following clarifications are used in this course:
13. Statement on laboratory safety or risk assumption in courses requiring physical
activity or field trips:
14. Statement on "pass-through" charges e.g. , lane rental at bowling alley, field trip costs, etc.:
Further Information:
NCSU Academic Regulations can be found at http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/project/www/ncsu/provost/info/academic_policies/ (link)